Category: Tools
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Published at: 15 Aug 2024
Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code tool developed by HashiCorp. It has for long been one of the the best and most widely adopted tools for providing infrastructure as code.
The reason behind us listing Terraform in the "Hold" category is the change of license from open source to BSL/BUSL (Business Source License).
From https://opentofu.org/faq/#why-was-opentofu-createdThe BUSL and the additional use grant outlined by the HashiCorp team are ambiguous, which makes it challenging for companies, vendors, and developers using Terraform to decide whether their actions could be interpreted as being outside the permitted scope of use. Hashicorp’s FAQs give some peace of mind to end users and system integrators for now, but the licensing terms’ implications for future usage are unclear. The possibility that the company’s definition of “competitive” or “embedding” could change or the license could be further modified to make it closed source prompts uncertainty for Terraform users.As a response to this, the community has created a fork of the project called OpenTofu.